Crocodile crocodile
We decided to stay a day in the Daintree environment to really have a look at a rainforest. Unfortunately it was a very grey, but quite appropriately rainy day. We wanted to visit the Daintree Discovery Centre and being bad guidebook readers we just assumed that it would be at the Daintree Village. It wasn't....
Not to be defeated we decided to go on a river cruise

For the afternoon we though a walk through the forest would give us even better opportunities to have a look at the forest. So we took the ferry and headed for a "boardwalk" trip through the jungle. Now we know where the Myst people got their ideas from! We thought we could take another walk a bit closer to Cape Tribulation point but it was not to be since the road was flooded at one point and we decided not to chance it by driving across. Back it was, but not before a stop at the Daintree Ice Cream Company. One of the flavours they were selling was blueberry, and we were curious as to where they got them from, as we didn't associate them with this climate. They said they were from around Melbourne.
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